Sake Jock

You've never seen manga like this before! No annoying speed lines or sappy, neotenic eyeballs here — just pure Japanese counterculture. This anthology of contemporary underground comics from Japan features a wide variety of styles and topics ranging from the humorous to the profound. There's a whole world of comics out there, and it's not all Godzilla and schoolgirls! A great introduction to the other Japanese comics featuring Asia's answers to Robert Crumb, Dan Clowes, and Chester Brown!

List of included Oneshots:

"Horse Horse Tiger Tiger" by Imiri Sakabashira

"A Hooker's Room" by Naoto Yamakawa

"Kisses" by Kiriko Nananan

"Kitty Court Drama" by Nekojiru

"What a Mixed Up World!" by Yasuji Tanioka

"Million Dollars" by Yoshiharu Mitsumoto

"The Abalone Cat" by Naoki and Shunichi Karasawa.

(Source: MU)
