Spandam is the leader of CP9, and the former leader of CP5. As the leader of CP5 he attempted to retrieve the blueprints of the weapon Pluton from the shipwright Tom. He failed, though Tom was imprisoned as a result of Spandam's actions. As the leader of CP9, he ordered the capture of Franky and Nico Robin, and had them taken to Enies Lobby. Spandam is defeated by Nico Robin, who breaks his back while the Straw Hat crew flee the Bridge of Hesitation. He owns a sword, "Funk Freed" (ファンクフリード Fankufurīdo), which "ate" the Devil Fruit, Zou Zou no Mi (ゾウゾウ�実 Elephant Elephant Fruit), giving it the ability to transform into an elephant. (Source: Wikipedia)