Age: 16 Birthday: June 9 Zodiac sign: Gemini Height: 161 cm Weight: 52 kg Blood type: O Instrument: Violin Hobbies: Shopping Another student of S Class, he is nicknamed "ochibi-chan" due to his short stature, much to his chagrin. He's very cheerful and energetic, and plays the violin. Roommates with Natsuki. He idolizes Hyuuga Ryuuya. According to Ren (and himself), he's sort of clumsy, mainly with his hands. From Uta:Pri: Repeat Ever since he was born he's had a heart condition which whenever anything excites him or he over-exherts himself he has a chance of passing out. Because of that he's been stuck in a hospital bed for most of his early life and has always secretly cried and cursed himself about the state of his body. Though on the outside he insists he is fine and acts very energetic. At one point he took up karate to make himself feel stronger despite his heart condition and he's able to fight on par even with his idol Hyuuga Ryuuya. He enters the academy to follow in the footsteps of his idol Hyuuga, despite his heart condition potentially making it impossible for him to perform as an idol.