St. Rudolph Gakuen 3-3, seat 33 Birthday: 9th December (Sagittarius) Height: 169cm Weight: 57kg Feet size: 25.5cm Eyesight: Left/Right 1.5 The age he started saying 'dane': 2 Blood Type: O Dominant Hand: Right Play Style: All-Rounder Shoes: DUNLOP PRS-479 Racket: MIZUNO PROLIGHT35 Special Move: Verbal attacks (Summer: Seriously, thatfs what the book said) Favourite Food: Miso roast pork ramen, cold Chinese dishes Hobby: Imitating Family: Father, Mother Father's occupation: Doctor (internal medicine) Favourite Subject: Mathematics, Chemistry Most Visited Place In School: Chemistry Lab Favourite Colour: Indigo blue Favorite Music: Rock Favorite Dating Place: Safari Park Something that he wants the most at the moment: A bath duck Routine: Practicing facial expressions Weakness/Dislikes: Having his mouth pulled Strengths (other than tennis): �����作文 (A-i-u-e-o essay) Preferred type: Girls that always wear a smile