In Pokémon Special Age: 11 (RGB), 13 (Yellow), 14 (GSC), 16 (FRLG, Emerald), 19 (ORAS) Blood Type: O Birthday: August 8th Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Black Hometown: Pallet Town Region: Kanto Red is a main character in the manga series Pokémon Adventures. His first Pokémon was a Poliwag, which evolved into a Poliwhirl when saving him from drowning prior to the beginning of the story, and evolved once more into a Poliwrath in Buzz off, Electabuzz!. Red's special skill, as described by Professor Oak, is Pokémon battling. As such, he is called the "Fighter" (戦ã�†è€… Fighter). In later adventures, Red has been viewed as a leader amongst the Pokédex holders, second only to Professor Oak. Red wears a red jacket, black undershirt, a red and white cap, and blue jeans, along with a black bandana around his knee from the Yellow chapter onwards. Red is extremely competitive when it comes to his rival, Green. They both swore to become strong trainers and share both a close friendship and a strong rivalry. Red, Green & Blue chapter In this saga, Red is the main protagonist, and his main rival is Green. Red was first seen showing off his catching abilities to a group of little kids, but once they mentioned Professor Oak and his grandson, they left. He then sees a few Team Rocket Grunts and overhears them talking about Mew. He manages to find it, only to see that Blue, who he didn't know yet, was already battling it with a Charmander. Seeing Green quickly recalling his Pokémon angers Red to a point where he sends out his own Poliwhirl on it and is easily defeated. He then receives some words of wisdom from Green and decides to suck up his pride and go to see Professor Oak. At the end of the RGB chapter, Red emerges as the 9th triennial Pokemon league Champion. Yellow chapter At the beginning of the chapter, Red receives an invitation to battle Bruno of the Elite Four at Mt. Moon. During the battle, Bruno stops to let several Diglett and Dugtrio pass, then Agatha uses her mind controlling powers over him to render him incapable of further battle. Red is then confronted by Lorelei and Agatha, who want him to join them in their quest to wipe out humanity for the sake of Pokémon. They also want information about Giovanni so they can find the Earth Badge to power the Badge Energy Amplifier that Agatha retrieved at the Silph Co. rubble. When he tells the truth, Lorelei freezes him in a block of ice, making everybody think that he has disappeared since nobody else had seen him for over a month. Only Pika escapes and makes it to Professor Oak's laboratory, where he teams up with Yellow. Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter Red first appears in Quilava Quandray when Gold sees him in a photo at the Day Care Center showing him as one of the previous winners of the Pokémon League. Red is offered the newly-open position of Viridian City Gym Leader, but even though he passes the test easily, he has to turn it down due to injuries he suffered from being frozen. He is also asked to help Yellow deal with finding Lugia in Johto, but also turns it down for the same reason. He learns from Green where to heal his wounds and leaves to recuperate at the springs in Mt. Silver with Green's Charizard and Blue's Blastoise, where he meets Sabrina, also there to heal the same injuries. Sabrina informs him of the Gym Leaders meeting in the Pokémon League, and he later arrives at the scene in time to save Green, Brock, and Erika from a train crash. FireRed & LeafGreen chapter From this chapter onwards, Red wears the new FireRed jacket, hat, and shoes, along with the same jeans from previously. Red and Green meet at Professor Oak's lab, where they find messages mysteriously asking them to leave their Pokédexes and head to Vermilion City. Once there, the two board the Seagallop Ferry to the Sevii Islands, where they also find Blue being attacked by Deoxys. They are soon confronted by the new Team Rocket Admins, the The Three Beasts, as well as Deoxys, who is under control of Giovanni. As it turns out, Professor Oak has been kidnapped by Team Rocket again. Emerald chapter Red, along with Blue, Green, Silver, and Yellow, were transported as statues in boxes on the S.S. Tidal by the other main characters to the Battle Frontier for their salvation. For most of this chapter, Red, along with four other Pokédex holders, remained frozen in stone. It was only towards the end of the chapter that he and the others were liberated by Emerald with the help of the wish-granting legendary Pokémon Jirachi. Free again, Red and the others helped fight Guile Hideout. In the aftermath of the battle, Red and the other Pokédex holders participated in the Battle Dome tournament, which ultimately concluded in Emerald claiming the Tactics Symbol. Main Team Poli (Jp: ニョムNyoro) is Red's first Pokémon. He debuted as Poliwhirl in A Glimpse of the Glow, but was later revealed to have been caught as a Poliwag when Red was younger. Poli is very loyal to Red and both of his evolutions were to save his Trainer from drowning. Saur (Jp: フッシー FusshÄ«) is Red's second main Pokémon. Saur was given to Red as a Bulbasaur by Professor Oak after seeing the two defeat a Machoke they encountered at the Viridian Gym. Later, he evolved into Ivysaur after a battle with a Primeape and Venusaur during the final battle against Team Rocket in the Silph Co. building. In the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire chapter, Saur is revealed to have gained the ability to Mega Evolve. Pika (Jp: ピカ Pika) is Red's third main Pokémon. He was captured by Red in Pewter City after Red stopped the mischievous Pokémon from terrorizing the populace by stealing their food. Although initially disobedient, Pika eventually became one of Red's most trusted team members. Snor (CY: Lax, Jp: ゴン Gon) is Red's fourth main Pokémon. Red encountered Snor on Route 12, where it was blocking a Bicycle race by sleeping on the road. After waking it up with honey, Red captured Snor, only to be forced to feed it with the prize money he won from the race. In All About Arceus IX, it is revealed that Snor made an Egg with Emerald's Snorlax. As of PS272, he is level 89 and has an Impish Nature. Snor's known moves are Mega Punch, Strength, Headbutt, Mega Kick, Harden, Double-Edge, Toxic, Belly Drum, Rest, and Earthquake, and his Ability is Immunity. Vee (Jp: ブイ Vui) is Red's fifth main Pokémon. As an Eevee, Vee was genetically modified by Team Rocket to have unstable DNA, allowing him to evolve into Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon and back into an Eevee at will. After his emotional trauma was healed, Vee permanently evolved into Espeon. Aero (Jp: プテ Pte) is Red's seventh main Pokémon. Aero was given to Red by Giovanni as an Old Amber after they got out of Diglett's Cave. Aero was resurrected in Holy Moltres on Cinnabar Island to help Blaine combat Team Rocket's Moltres. As of PS272, he is level 85 and has a Hasty Nature. Aero's known moves are Hyper Beam, Take Down, and Dragon Claw, and his Ability is Rock Head. In Pokemon: The Origin Red get's his design from the remakes of the original games, Fire Red/Leaf Green. He chooses Charmander as his starter, because it coincides with his name. Like the games and manga, his Rival is Green, and because he didn't want to choose a Pokemon for the same reason as Red, he decides to go for Squirtle instead of Bulbasuar. (Source: Bulbapedia, Wikipedia)