Homeland: Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A Height: 190 cm Weight: 790 kg Choujin Kyoudo: 2,800,000 Power Trademark Techniques: Action Stop (アクション・ストップ), Scene Changer (シーン・�ェンジャー), Zoom In (ズーム・イン), Zoom Out (ズーム・アウト) First Appearance: Manga Chapter 275 A video camera type Robo Choujin. He uses various image-using special techniques. While posing as a relay camera he records the fight between Kinnikuman and The Hawkman and afterwards fights and loses to Kinnikuman. However, after his defeat and right before he dies he takes the footage he had recorded of the Kinniku Driver and edits it, contributing to Mixer Taitei's victory. Submitted by a fan as Mac Star (マックスター). (Source: Kinnikuman Wiki)