K�ji (攻�, Kouji?) is one of the bandits of Mount Reikaku and is later chosen to act as their leader while Tasuki journeys with Miaka. He has known Tasuki since childhood and though he initially disliked Tasuki when he first joined the Mount Reikaku bandits, K�ji and Tasuki grew close and K�ji begrudgingly admitted his respect for the younger boy. Though he is two years older than Tasuki and holding more seniority amongst the bandits, Tasuki's role as a Suzaku Celestial Warrior ensured that Tasuki would be their leader. With a completely charming way of knocking on and answering doors, K�ji is the only member of the Mount Reikaku Bandits who does not dream of putting a finger on Miaka or even Nuriko or Hotohori. During the war between Kut� and K�nan, K�ji and his bandits offered to give assistance to K�nan by agreeing to fight. After peace is restored to K�nan, Tasuki returns to Mount Reikaku and resumes his position as leader from K�ji, though it is generally accepted that the pair shares the responsibility. (Source: Wikipedia)