Birthday: February 28 Height: 167 cm Weight: 53 kg Shoe Size: 25.5 cm Blood Type: A Likes: Pacific saury, honey, traditional music, cleaning and organizing Dislikes: Shiitake, messy rooms Special Skills: Braille, 3-part abacus A 16-year-old who was saved by Raikou 3 years ago, and is thus extremely devoted to him. He assists Raikou with his responsibilities to the Kairoushuu, usually compiling reports and researching their targets. He is easily riled up, and Yukimi gives him the nickname "Tenpa-kun", from the slang tenparu ("About to blow a fuse"). He believes that the cause of the Wakachi is just protecting the front world from the evils of Nabari. He is an idealist, who believes that the Shinrabanshou can be used to save the world. (Source: Wikipedia)