Artemis is the companion to the leader of the Guardian Senshi—he trained Minako Aino as Sailor V, and remains by her side when she takes on her proper role as Sailor Venus. His memory of the Silver Millennium seems to be more intact than Luna's—in fact, before appearing in the Sailor Moon series he guides her through the Sailor V video game at the arcade. Later, he fills in the details of her true mission. Artemis is more easy going than Luna, and has a "big brother" relationship with Minako, although his attraction to her is sometimes implied. He also cares very deeply about Luna, often comforting her when she is distressed and stating his admiration of her. In addition, he is a good father to Diana as evidenced by her affection for him. Artemis has green eyes in the manga and live-action series, but blue eyes in the anime. Artemis does not seem to mind the fact that he is named after a female goddess, even when teased about it by Minako. In the European Portuguese and the Hungarian version Artemis is a female cat. (Source: Wikipedia)