Age: Late 40's, 50's Likes: Cross-dressing, cute guys Dislikes: Being masculine Personality: Feminine, eccentric US Voice Actor/Actress: Jason Douglas JP Voice Actor/Actress: Kouji Ishii The neighborhood cross-dresser who is obviously a man, but dresses in women’s clothing and wears a thick application of make-up, Ms. Aki has been good friends with the kids for a very long time now. While not much is known concerning Ms. Aki’s background, this peculiar individual has been a resident of the Abenobashi Shopping Arcade for years, and seems quite knowledgeable about the history of the area and those who dwell there. Ms. Aki shows up in the different dimensions of Abenobashi, usually in the company of Sayaka or Mune-mune. Still, regardless of the dimension, Ms. Aki is not pleasing on the eyes.